Trends in Clinical Informatics: A Nursing Perspective
Poster Abstract Submission Form
We are seeking abstracts that will address the theme of Nurses Transforming Healthcare through Informatics. We are particularly interested in the presentation of real life experiences, including successes and failures, of nursing informatics in the clinical arena. We encourage first-time poster presenters to submit abstracts.
Here are some ideas, meant as suggestions and are not considered all-inclusive:
- Electronic Health Record (EHR) Optimization
- Clinical Decision Support Systems (CDSS)
- Patient Portals and Digital Engagement
- Mobile Health Applications for Nurses
- Informatics-Driven Telehealth Solutions
- Cybersecurity in Healthcare
- Clinical Workflow Redesign
- Wearable Health Technology Integration
- AI and Machine Learning in Predictive Analytics
- Impact of Informatics on Nurse Burnout
- Ethical Considerations in Nursing Informatics
- Consumer informatics
What is more important is to hear about what you are doing!
Please see poster examples in the NENIC Innovation library
Your abstract should follow the following outline:
- Keywords: Select some key words that readers would use in order to search for posters like yours. Choose from the list above, or add or substitute keywords of your choosing.
- Introduction/Background: Some history and literature support of the problem you are addressing.
- Methods: What did you do?
- Results: What did you learn/discover?
- Discussion/Conclusion: What are your thoughts and or recommendations based on what you learned?
- References: Include at least 1 peer-reviewed reference.
Read and follow the submission instructions below.
Note: If you use the Poster Template, substituting your content for the content in the template, you won't go wrong!
- Be certain to adhere to the 500-word restriction, and one-page limit.
- Use Microsoft Word and format for 8.5 x 11 inch paper size with one inch margins left, right, top, and bottom.
- Place the title in 14 point Times New Roman font, single column, bold, centered, upper and lower case, using initial capitals for each word in the title other than articles and prepositions.
- Include below the title, the names, credentials, institutions and locations of the author(s) exactly as they are to appear in the print handouts, using 12 point Times New Roman font, single column, bold, centered, upper and lower case using appropriate capitals. Note: If all authors are from the same institution, a superscript is not needed.
- Below the institutions and their locations, including a list of keywords for your poster in 10-point Times New Roman font. You may choose from the list shown above, or you may add or substitute keywords of your choosing.
- Include the main text of the submission single-spaced in 10 point Times New Roman font, justified, one-column format.
- References: Include at least one peer-reviewed reference on your poster topic
- Disable track changes in Word before uploading.
- Be sure to include your first and last name in the title of the MS Word document that you submit.
Additional Resources